Karen Cairney Shortlisted in 'Inspiring Mentor of the Year' category at the Forward Ladies Awards 2022

Like the Emmys and Oscars in the world of showbiz, this is the season for awards recognising excellence in business and education.  Just a few days after we announced Cairney & Company being shortlisted for the Business Women in Scotland  Award for Growth Business, we are delighted to share that Cairney & Company’s CEO, Karen Cairney, has just been shortlisted in the Inspiring Mentor of the Year category  https://www.forwardladies.com/shortlisted-announced-the-fl-leadership-summit-awards-2022/ by the Forward Ladies Leadership Summit in recognition of her role as a lifelong mentor and coach to women developing and growing in their careers and life. 

In the words of one of the women Karen has coached “I was fortunate enough to work with Karen as my professional coach. I found her to be engaging, empathetic and an excellent listener…she was inspiring, knowledgeable, and forthright without being intimidating and I value very much the time we spent together having learned much from it.”

In 2019 Karen became an accredited Executive Coach through the AoEC, (Cairney & Company | Coaching and Skills Development (cairneyandcompany.com)) and has mentored women in business, education, and young women starting in their careers. Karen’s style of coaching is one that brings together a combination of challenge through curiosity and reflection, while finding solutions that work for her clients. Upon hearing about the shortlisting Karen said “mentoring has been a core part of my life from those women who supported me in the early years of my career and to those that I still seek guidance and support from. We are never finished learning or discovering what lies within and mentoring and coaching brings out the best in people to help them fulfil their potential, I look forward to the live judging day ahead of the awards.”