Emotional Health & Resilience Coaching


Emotional Health is a top priority for us all, and for young people in particular, getting the right support at the right time can define their futures. With most emotional health challenges starting before the age of 25, it is essential that the structures they rely on, including Higher Education, support them.  


The Coronavirus pandemic has added another layer of challenge for organisations. Individuals and teams are getting to grips with new ways of working, from the shift to digital relationships and reactive working patterns, to uncertainty in the job market and juggling caring responsibilities.  

  • 6 to 24 year olds are particularly vulnerable to mental health issues

  • 75% of mental health problems are established by the age of 25

  • 33% of those who do not complete university blame poor mental health

Universities UK (UUK) has challenged university leaders to ‘adopt mental health as a strategic imperative, implementing a whole university approach, with students and staff involved at all stages of the journey’. The Higher Education #stepchange framework has been developed ‘to support higher education senior teams to adopt a whole university approach to mental health’.  

The Step Change Framework is now four years old and was developed for a pre-COVID-19 world. What we have witnessed as leaders of Higher Educational institutions over the post 18 months is monumental. We are only at the tip of the iceberg in understanding the long-term impact on our people; students and staff. We can no longer just talk about the emotional wellbeing of our people. We need to take action and do so now. We hove a duty of care to the young people and their futures and the teams who support them. We need to ensure they have the time, space and the right professional tools to support their journey.
— Professor Steve West
Vice-Chancellor UWE President of UUK
Chair UUK Working Group on Mental Health in Higher Education

 How we can help?


Coaching is a belief system that begins with you. We believe everyone has the ability to address their challenges and nurture their emotional health if approached with the right frame of mind. 


We use our combined knowledge and experience to provide a coaching and training approach to emotional health and resilience that is designed to strengthen performance. Our approach and tools can be delivered separately or combined to give you, your teams and your students the knowledge and techniques to stay well, resilient and focused.   

Our coaching and training focus on providing solutions and outcomes. We can help unlock each person’s potential to maximise their performance; by increasing capacity for self-awareness and self-belief, and providing tools and approaches for improving emotional wellbeing including the following:     

  • Webinars and workshops for staff and students to develop their own emotional health and resilience practices  

    • Building Emotional Fitness through Positive Emotions   

    • Developing good Self-Care for Emotional Health

    • Managing Stress

    • Discovering your Ikigai  

  • Training staff to support students and each other with their emotional wellbeing through Coaching

  • Building competent and resilient teams through Team Coaching  

  • Developing individuals through one-to-one Coaching  

  • Spot Coaching   

With the right training and coaching, everyone can understand how to protect and nurture the emotional wellbeing and resilience of their students, their colleagues and themselves. Looking after emotional health is everyone’s job. 
